U.S. Coordinator, Michael J. Matt

Michael Davies and Michael Matt walked the pilgrimage together throughout the 1990s.
The annual Chartres Pilgrimage is the most important Traditional Catholic event happening anywhere in the world today. - Michael Davies
What to Expect
Remnant Tours is a subsidiary company of The Remnant—the oldest Traditional Catholic newspaper in the world.
Established in 1984, Remnant Tours has as its mission to bring Catholics on pilgrimage to the most holy places on earth. This has included the Holy Land, Rome, Lourdes, La Salette, Santiago de Compostela, Lisieux, Ars, the Vendee, Our Lady of Knock, Malta, Fatima and so many other places of great Christian significance.
Our primary annual event centers around the Pentecost Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, organized by Notre-Dame de Chretiente. We established the U.S. Chapter of Our Lady of Guadalupe back in 1991 and have returned to Chartres every year since.
Our post-Chartres pilgrimages includes bus tours to the most famous and holy shrines in Europe, the idea being to create a Catholic microcosm, an immersion program, where our historians and guides can teach and demonstrate authentic Catholic history to help dispel the black legends of anti-Catholicism.
Of course, our chaplains offer the Traditional Latin Mass only and every day during our pilgrimages.
We hope you’ll join us!
Chartres Pilgrimage Gallery
Explore additional Chartres Pilgrimage photographs here.
The Chartres Pilgrimage Explained
Pilgrimage Sites of Remnant Tours